Spray Paints UK Suppliers, Manufacturers, Bulk Distributors and Wholesalers

Where to buy Spray Paints in the UK

We have compiled a list of Spray Paints in the United Kingdom, including: Spray Marking Paints, Undercoats, Top Coats, fluorescent Spray Paints and hi-build lacquers.

Looking for a particular Spray Paints to purchase

Simply use the search box, then use the suppliers website link to enquire or for prices. The companies listed that supply spray paints in the uk have a genuine UK presence and include: manufacturers, wholesalers, industrial, retail and bulk suppliers.
Sections include: Waterbased and Solvent Based Spray Paints

Product Description
Methylene Chloride
Where to buy Suppliers range
Methylene chloride is a colourless, sweet-smelling organic compound with the chemical formula CH2CI2. Also known as dichloromethane, it has a range of industrial applications and is commonly used in aerosol cans and spray paint. It's also an efficient degreaser and paint stripper. Methylene chloride comes in three different grades - general use or technical grade, laboratory use and analytical use. It is a highly toxic substance and must be handled carefully. Uses: Paint remover, solvent. Group: Solvents. Grades: LRG, Technical. CAS No. 75-09-2. Pack Sizes: 2.5L, 25L, 200 Litres. Chemicals.co.uk