Methylated Spirits UK Suppliers, Industrial Manufacturers, Bulk Distributors and Wholesalers

Methylated Spirits alternative names:

Denatured Alcohol, Ethanol, Meths, IMS, Industrial Methylated Spirits, Denatured Absolute Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Metho, and Industrial Alcohol.

Where to buy Methylated Spirits in the UK

We have compiled a list of Methylated Spirit suppliers in UK, including: manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, industrial, retail and bulk suppliers. Use the suppliers website link for prices, more information or to purchase. To find other products or services, use the search box.

Also See: Bio Ethanol Bulk Ethanol Suppliers Denatured Ethanol
Ethanol Absolute Full Ethanol Section

Product Description
Industrial Methylated Spirits
Where to buy Suppliers range
Industrial methylated spirit is an ethanol solution that contains additives which make it unsuitable for human consumption. Otherwise known as denatured alcohol, it usually has a bad taste and an unpleasant smell. Some types of industrial methylated spirits also contain a dye to make them easily identifiable. It's commonly used as a cleaning agent and to remove substances like paint, varnish and glue. Uses: Solvent, cleaning agent. Group: Alcohols. Alternative Names: Industrial Methylated Spirit, IMS, C2H6O. Grades: 95%, 99%. Pack Sizes: 2.5L, 25 Litres.
Industrial Methylated Spirits
Where to buy Suppliers range
Industrial Methylated Spirits. At Tan International we supply a wide range of products covering all industry sectors Tan International