Decon 90 Suppliers UK, Bulk Distributors and Wholesalers

Where to buy Decon 90 in the UK

We have compiled a list of Decon 90 suppliers in the UK. Laboratory and Industrial Cleaning Solutions, Surface Active Cleaning Agents.

Looking for Decon 90 to purchase

Simply use the search box, then use the suppliers website link to enquire or for prices. The companies listed that supply decon 90 for sale have a genuine UK presence and include: distributors, wholesalers, industrial and bulk suppliers.

Product Description
Where to buy
DECON 90, Suppliers of laboratory chemicals wanted in the United Kingdom Suppliers Needed
Phenylephrine Impurity A HCl (S-Isomer)
Where to buy Suppliers range
An impurity of Phenylephrine which is a decongestant that shrinks blood vessels in the nasal passages. Group: Pharmaceuticals. CAS No. 43090-68-2. Pack Sizes: 1mg; 1g; 10g. Product ID: 43090-68-2. Custom synthesis is available. Send your inquiries for more information. BOC Sciences