Baking Soda Suppliers UK, Bulk Distributors & Wholesalers

Baking Soda also known as:Sodium Bicarbonate.

Where to buy Baking Soda in the UK

We have compiled a list of Baking Soda suppliers in the UK, including: manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, industrial, retail and bulk suppliers. Use the suppliers website link for prices, more information or to purchase. To find other products or services, use the search box.

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Product Description
Sodium Bicarbonate
Where to buy Suppliers range
Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) is a white odourless solid that is crystalline, but often appears as a fine powder. Uses: Alkali / Builders, Detergents. Cleaning and Detergents. CAS No. 144-55-8. Pack Sizes: 1kg, 5kg ,25kg. Direct Chems
Sodium Bicarbonate
Where to buy Suppliers range
Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) is a white odourless solid that is crystalline, but often appears as a fine powder. Uses: Alkali / Builders, Detergents. Cleaning and Detergents. Group: Cleaning. CAS No. 144-55-8. Pack Sizes: 1kg, 5kg ,25kg. Direct Chems
Sodium Bicarbonate
Where to buy Suppliers range
Sodium Bicarbonate from Monarch Chemicals is available in 25kg bags packed per pallet and we offer the following grades: Feed grade, food grade and technical grade. Uses: Food and Drink, Agriculture, Pharmaceutical. Group: Sodiums. Alternative Names: Bicarbonate of Soda, Baking Soda. Monarch Chemicals
United Kingdom